Local Delivery in the USA
Information about Local Delivery in the USA
- We take pride in offering local delivery services to our customers across the United States. Our aim is to provide fast and reliable delivery, ensuring your order arrives on time and in perfect condition.
Delivery Cost and Conditions
- The cost of local delivery is $9. However, we are pleased to inform you that for orders over $200, delivery is FREE.
Delivery Times
- Delivery times may vary depending on the location and shipping address within the USA. Typically, we strive to deliver your order within 5-7 business days.
Order Tracking
- Upon completing your order, we will provide you with a tracking number so you can monitor the status of your package and stay informed about its current location.
Contact Information
- If you have any questions or need further information about our delivery services, please feel free to contact us at: m@nutrigeek.shop. Our customer support team is always ready to assist you.
We thank you for choosing our store and hope that your shopping experience with us will be enjoyable and satisfying. Our efforts are dedicated to ensuring that you receive your order on time and with complete satisfaction.
Best regards, nutrigeek.shop